
Showing posts from March, 2019

First 3D print in my life and the hybrid collaboration

On March 27, 2019, I printed my very first 3D design. I was stoked! My design went through the software and programs without any problems however most of my colleagues had to troubleshoot with Greg to see how to fix it. The only design that did not go through was Angie's. The first try went crazy but she kept what was printed and i helped her clean it up so she can use it as a little coaster. The 2nd printing went well at first but then all of a sudden it also went crazy. Hopefully she will be able to print her form next week. While my colleagues and I were waiting for our projects to be done, we had a little chit chat and I was able to connect with them. I learned a few things about them, similarities and differences. This activity definitely helped me with my social skills.  Anyway, here are a couple of videos and a photo of the 3D printers working! Finished! Now, for the hybrid collaboration, my group mates are Tully and Shannon. These are the forms I worke

Making Decisions, experimenting and excitement

Before I started refining the shape I have chosen, the measurement set on the project was in millimeters. If I didn't change that, it would have been a mess, or maybe less of a mess because it would result to a teeny tiny little vessel. After changing the measurements, I copied three shapes that I was interested in. Fig.1 Octagon Twist Fig.2 Starstruck Fig.3 Vase For Fig.1, The Octagon Twist, I made it larger to fit the size criteria. I enlarge it to 5.79 inches tall and 3.17 wide.  I wasn't pleased with what I did for Fig.2 , so I made another model inspired by it. I made sure that the angles of the three stars are aligned.  Last but not the least, Fig.3, The Vase. I placed some holes just for decorative detail but our professor mentioned that the vessel needs to be simple. In that case, this figure won't be my final shape and only for experimentation.  Now it's time for a decision. Starstruck has a very aggressive shape. Very

Getting the hang of it....maybe?

Today, student's were asked to make at least 10 concepts for hollow vessels. I experimented with different shapes and controls to create a vessel. This assignment is definitely more on the fun side of learning things although it can be stressful because I have to think of which commands I need to use in order to connect different shaped curves together. For the first seven shapes, it was all experimental. The first vessel (fig.1), I used a circle for the base and an octagon for the top. The wall has a thickness to it because of the offset command that I applied on it.  Fig. 1 Fig.2 has three shapes involved, two hearts and a circle in the middle.  Fig.2  Third vessel (fig.3) also has three shapes but they're all identical but the middle star is smaller which creates this weird concept.  Fig.3 Fig. 4 is more organic, both shapes have no definite shape and I also used the offset command for the wall thickness.  Fig.4 These two figures (fig. 5

Frustration Causes New Ideas

Remember the pendant shape idea, well, I am scratching that. I have two new ideas now especially after the class critique and also after seeing the demos posted on mosaic. The new shape is inspired by the Philippine flag and lotus lamp made by Vivian S. Three Stars and a Sun The Philippine Flag With this new shape, I will make some sort of lamp. Two of my colleagues suggested fairy lights and a somewhat transparent paper used on Chinese lanterns. I will try doing that on my next prototype for this shape. My other idea is the most simple one, using the stars as some sort of bulb like this:  I need to see which of these shapes would work better. I will also use glow in the dark paint for both shapes.  This is the original star shape from the pendant.