Making Decisions, experimenting and excitement

Before I started refining the shape I have chosen, the measurement set on the project was in millimeters. If I didn't change that, it would have been a mess, or maybe less of a mess because it would result to a teeny tiny little vessel. After changing the measurements, I copied three shapes that I was interested in.
Fig.1 Octagon Twist

Fig.2 Starstruck

Fig.3 Vase

For Fig.1, The Octagon Twist, I made it larger to fit the size criteria. I enlarge it to 5.79 inches tall and 3.17 wide. 

I wasn't pleased with what I did for Fig.2 , so I made another model inspired by it. I made sure that the angles of the three stars are aligned. 

Last but not the least, Fig.3, The Vase. I placed some holes just for decorative detail but our professor mentioned that the vessel needs to be simple. In that case, this figure won't be my final shape and only for experimentation. 

Now it's time for a decision. Starstruck has a very aggressive shape. Very angular and sharp but with it's size, the length makes it less dangerous. I think it's shape is simple and not that complicated. For the Octagon Twist,  I gave the form a wall thickness to make it durable. The design is also simple however I was impressed that I was able to manage creating a twisted looking form without using the twist command. FINAL DECISION: OCTAGON TWIST!

I'm excited to finally be able to use a 3D printer first time in my life. To be able to create something from our minds to sketches to different softwares and programs into a 3D real life sculpture/reality makes an artists lives interesting and fulfilling. Even if Rhino can be frustrating and require a lot of experimenting, failing and patience, it just makes me want to be more eager to create something out of it and be able to say "yeah, I got pissed off making the design, trying to make it exist in the real world but I made it and it's here now!"


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