Ring Around the Rosie

Back when I was younger, I hated flowers but that changed when I graduated high school. Flowers are the main inspiration for the final form of the Surface Design. Most of the interesting designs I found are the ones i found online, like these:

I mostly used "Control Point Curve" for this project. My first shape was half an eye shape then I used "Mirror", "Rotate" and "Move" so I can join them together and make two copies and scaled them bigger than the original. I used "Hatch" to add in the lines and color. For the internal pattern, I did it with the "Control Point Curve" and made topographic lines.

After all that, I used "Polar Array" to achieve this:

I copy and pasted the previous form then I used "Scale" and "Rotate" a few time to achieve the form I want.

I almost lost my sanity doing this, not knowing when to stop but eventually I did. 


Hatching them was a pain because I don't understand how the command works. When I did the hatch on the eye shaped form, I had to mirror the hatch then move it on another side. I also planned to color in the topographic lines but I forgot how to deal with the overlapping. I also think the pictures does not give justice to how hypnotizing the design is. I guess I can add a video heh.


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