eye spy with my little i, a castle that can't reach the skeye and a lady who barely remembers how to use Rhino

I do remember the basics of Rhino but do I remember ALL of the basics? Nope. The idea behind my castle was an eye. First thing I did was drawing a shape of an eye using "Control Point Curve" and extruded it to which it became the outer wall of the castle. I wanted to make this outer wall thicker but I don't remember how and I wasn't in the Wednesday help time.

This castle has 3 walls...

...unnecessary walls.

For the inner wall, I used "Torus" in order for the wall to have density. I wasn't really thinking about this and I could've used "Circle", extruded the curve and then un-"capped" it so it would look more like a wall like what I did with the actual castle. But people make mistakes and I just realized it while I'm making this blog. This inner wall has a parabola-ish shaped gate. I used the "Cube" then "Fillet" the edges and used "Cylinders" to complete the look.

Now, for the actual castle. I used PJ Chen's tutorial to create the twisted pipe building and "Cylinders" for the towers. The hallways connecting the towers to the pipe building are "Boxes". Four of those hallways have openings in which I used the gate as the shape to subtract to. 

The doors are not the same. Yes, I used the same item to give them shape but I kept adjusting the outcome which led to the uneven product.

Challenges would've been succeeded if I gave more time creating this first assignment. I'm not going to blame anyone but my lack of time management and not using resources (aka the internet) to it's full potential. I will take note of this and better myself for future projects. 


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