Trial, errors, mistakes and frustration
I can't believe it was time to make prototypes. I made a swirly pyramid and printed it to see if the swirls would be applicable in real life. I used the pyramid template I made a week ago. This isn't my final object though. I have finally decided that the object I am going to use is a necklace pendant from an Asian series called Meteor Garden . My boyfriend gave me a necklace of it on my birthday. It wasn't the original million dollar worth of pendant but the fact that he remembers that I love the design of the necklace is enough for me to appreciate it. I used that photo as a reference for the sketch but for the star I used the polygon setting. I extruded the star to make it solid but I wanted it to be more round than edged, so I asked for helped from Greg and we did fillet edge on the shape. For the organic shapes, I sketched it and did the sweep2 method in order to make it solid. IT WAS A PAIN. I couldn't join surfaces together and all I can mak...