
Showing posts from April, 2019


For the last class, we printed using a Ceramic 3D printer. I was pretty amazed at how fast it was however when you make a design, you really need to think about the possibility of your form to collapse. So Sara, one of my team mates, had to re design our concept.  Going to the printer, I didn't even realize that it would be inside the ceramic studio. I used to have a class there and I never saw it. There were also printed forms in there made by other students.  Here is the hyperlapse printing of our concept! I can't believe I totally forgot to post my final blog post for this class. It was really fun and with this class I decided to minor in Object Design and Fabrication. Creating a design can take hours, days, weeks, and can be frustrating but once you get the design printed and there's no problems, it makes you feel accomplished. I learned that in order to to make your design work, critiques are important and asking for help is also valuable. Being

More Brainstorming and More team mates!

Yesterday we were placed into a group of 5. My team consists of Sara, Mich, Lex and Shannon. We were told to plan for our last print using the ceramic 3D printer. When we grouped up, we took our printed design and showed it to the group. We started exchanging ideas but it was mostly Sarah and Michi who were talking. Me and the others contributed a little bit but mostly agreed on what Sarah and Michi were saying. Here are some of the concepts that I sketched for this project; We discussed that for the our final concept, it's going to have Sarah's base, using Shannon's Christmas Tree shape with the ends using organic shapes, like Lex's and Michi's form, and using the top of my form on top of the new concept. Sarah did the modelling for the final form, which she made in different colors! We try to include everyone's shape/idea in this model. From what we discussed, the base is a solid for so it could support the top parts, especially when there's